Saturday 22 March 2014

Tips for Shooting Urban Landscapes

Capture the Vibe

Photographs should always tell a story whether positive or negative.

Get off the Beaten Track

Find somewhere that's less known as there are more hidden stories and photographs waiting to be found.

Photograph the Old and the New

Everywhere is changing and the contrast between both something that can be interesting to show.

Put a New spin on an Old Idea

Everybody wants something new and fresh so look for opportunities to show how you can stand out and be different.

Time of Day

The lighting used in photographs can dramatically alter the way the subject and background looks, go back and photograph the same place in different times of the day and see the effect the light has.


Although in this brief we are using black and white film I can also photograph in colour as the world is a colourful place.

Photography at Night

I don't only have to photograph during the day as I could take flashes or photograph from under street lights to capture a different atmosphere that people don't see during the day.

Create a Relationship between the People and the Background.

Often I don't like including people in landscape photographs because I feel it takes away from the landscape and turns it into a focus on the person, however this is not always the case as people can add an interesting focal point within the background.

( Information from Here and Here )

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