Tuesday 1 October 2013

Following a plan... or not

So this weekend just gone I took out my film camera and went walking so that I could gather ideas and see if I could get a feel for what direction I would like to take my Street Photography project. (And to see if I could work the film camera!)

I started out with a plan to take 6 different starter shoots within the roll of film, I went out with 6 different ideas that I was going to take 6 different photographs of (36 exposure film)  however while I was shooting I came across different photo opportunities that I hadn't planned for so my plan got put aside but I still photographed my ideas.

My ideas were different to the generic ideas that people may associate with street photography, I have not included people as the main subject within my shoot but the presence of people is obvious by the subjects.

The first mini shoot on the film was taken out the window on the 8th floor of a building, this is because I wanted to experiment with different camera angles so that not all my work was eye level. While shooting these photographs it made me see just how small we actually are compared to everything else.

I decided to go walking around some of the streets I had seen while photographing from the windowI had originally wanted to shoot in six different sections, so I started the second section I had in mind.

Then I think I may have gone a little off the genre of "street photography" because I followed the path through to the nature walk and around the hills that I had seen from the building. My idea for going up there was to show the view of each from each's perspective (the hills seen from the building and vice versa). But along the path were some interesting subjects so I started shooting (and broke the plan of six different sections).

I then photographed the builders that are outside my house from 8am-4-pm because they are literally building on the street infront of me. (I thought it was quite a great opportunity to show a time lapse)

I'll post later on with how developing the film goes (I'll either be crying or cheering).

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