Tuesday 8 October 2013

Superman in the park

You would think it's going to be a great shoot when your out in the park and you see a superman walking towards you, only you realise as he gets closer that you have no confidence to ask for his portrait or to just take it without his permission. So I donated money to the charity he was collecting for (only about 50p, it was all I had - sorry) and then asked him if I could photograph him. Let's hope when I develop the film that it turns out right.

Back at the beginning of the weekend I had planned on being full of confidence and walking straight up to people asking to take a photograph but as the first couple walked round near me I froze and couldn't ask them, then it went a bit downhill from there as I realised the camera didn't have a light meter (I forgot to check that when reading the description online whoops) so I had to set the exposure using my digital and that was a little awkward swapping them about. 

I did manage to get a few photographs of people where I asked permission but mostly I stuck to taking shots of people as they walked past me (and even then I still froze a few times) so building up my confidence is something I need to work on.

For the last few photographs I took some more on the building site where I live so I can show a comparison from last time and I photographed some people as they walked past my house.

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