Tuesday 15 October 2013

Inspirations from different places

I was scrolling through my newsfeed on Google+ when I came across a photograph that I liked so I googled the photographer and found his street photography work.

T. Malachi Dunworth

Russian Hill

Big Space

For my Street Photography project I have decided I would like to focus more on viewpoints. These images are taken from a high viewpoint which could be seen as looking down on people as though the photographer is better than the people within the photograph but I feel like he is just exploring different places and how he can show them in an unusual way rather than from just eye level.

Tom Wood

After talking with my lecturer about the shoot I had tried to do on the bus he mentioned I should look at Tom Wood, as he travelled around his hometown on the busses photographing the locals.

Tom Wood, Mill Street, Dingle, England, 1988
I like how in this photograph the viewer feels like they are sat on the bus looking behind them out the window. I would like to compare the inside and outside of the bus especially in different weather conditions such as when it is raining. 

Tom Wood, London Road, City Center, UK, 1993
In this photograph he is stood at the bus stop looking through the glass in the rain, I like the way the people are oblivious to him as they look as though they are preoccupied with an approaching bus. I think that if the people had been looking at him it would change the atmosphere in the photograph and it would not have been as effective.

Louis Strettner

While searching for Tom Wood I came across a website The Red list, and it has a wide variety of different genres of photography including Street Photography. 

Louis Stettner, Broadway Limited, Penn Station, New York
The movement of the man in this photograph makes me feel like he is running to catch his train, I could take this style and use it to photograph people who are late for their bus or generally running.

Louis Stettner, Six Lights, Penn Station, New York City, 1958
In this photograph the people have been framed so they are facing away from each other like she is leaving him behind. I like how they are the only two people in the photograph because the sole focus is on them. The line of lights leads the viewer down towards the man because he would not be noticed straight away otherwise.

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